Kota Henmi
TED Talk
Doesn't it make life more exciting when you think,
"The person I meet today could be the one who will change my destiny?"
about speech
I believe that many of us sometimes feel "lonely". Just a year ago, I was sitting alone at Bakayama, chest tightened at the sight of other studies having fun playing volleyball and chatting. However, a year later, my days are now full of laughter with people I cherish. Not only that, I am now able to provide a place for people who feel lonely as I once did.
I learned the importance of encountering new people and having the courage to take action. I hope this speech will be a reassurance and trigger for people who don't feel confident enough just yet to take a new step.
He is a sophomore at ICU and co-hand of SKY AVIATION, a student organization that works to connect students and the aviation industry. Through this organization, he has learned the preciousness of giving someone a dream. Henmi himself has had a dream to be a pilot since he was a child because his father is an air traffic controller and his family lives near the airport. His motto is "Revere Heaven Love Man" and he is always thinking about how he can make people around him happy.