TEDxICU is a student non-profit organization that aims to provide a platform where people can a) express ideas, b) be inspired, and c) find a motivation to step out of their comfort zone. TEDxICU strives to contribute to TED’s vision of “Ideas worth spreading” by organizing an annual TEDx speech event. In the liberal arts curriculum provided by ICU, students come in touch with a variety of values and thoughts everyday and interact with that with critical thinking in mind. TEDxICU aims to create an open community where ICU students, staff, locals, and all others can participate freely so that what was learnt in the event can create a positive effect on the community.
Daichi Usui
Masako Wakamiya
Yoshie Kaneko
Handling of Personal Information
1. We respect the privacy of everyone involved with TEDxICU and will not provide personal information such as names and financial
information to third parties without the individual's consent (except as permitted by law).
2. We will disclose how your name and financial information were used as soon as we receive your inquiry.
3. We ask that you do not copy any information (comments, images, videos, etc.) that we post on our public website due to copyright
and portrait rights issues.
4. If you have concerns about privacy violations, please contact us using our contact form.